![]() Boekrecensies op Internet. 'To Have or to Harm'.
Currently, there are limited resources documenting and detailing the dangers
and solutions to the burgeoning problem of stalking. Linden Gross has provided
us with comprehensive research and suggestions from her book, 'To Have or To
Harm' for dissemination on this site. If you wish to obtain a copy of 'To have or to harm,' call Warner Books at 1-800-759-0190 and an operator will process your order over the phone. Or for more details, email bookinfo@ccon.com.
'The Stalking of Kristin'. As Gloria Steinem says; ' there are no crimes of passion, only crimes of possession. Stalkers are obsessed. They can't let go!' Washington Post reporter George Lardner, author of 'The Stalking of Kristin', in a live conference on Women's Wire on CompuServe. Lardner won the Pulitzer Prize for his investigation of the stalking and murder of his daughter by her ex-boyfriend. Michael Cartier was under court order to stay away from Kristin when he killed her, and then killed himself in 1992. George Lardner; 'Prosecutors and police, I'm afraid, have taken it on themselves to veto stalking laws by not enforcing them. They are often the only weapons in certain situations and they need to be enforced.'
Resources for Stalking Victims, On-line Resources: S.O.S. Survivors of Stalking. Another resource available for those victims of stalking that are looking for help. Varied information on all aspects of stalking. Global Women's Committee. An excellent site dedicated to the empowerment of women. A good resource for women attempting to find their way in a male dominated world, this site works to bring women together on a global level to change the world. F.V.P.A. Family Violence Protection Agency is a comprehensive collection of resources relating to domestic violence issues, focusing on domestic violence education, prevention and public policy reform. Look Who's Stalking. A different take on stalking and the laws that accompany it from the pages of Living Marxism. Mainly forinterest, see what you think.
Literatuurverantwoording. Omdat er nog geen richtlijnen zijn voor literatuurverwijzing van artikelen die van Internet gedownload zijn, heb ik de website-adressen telkens aan een begin van een hoofdstuk geplaatst. Dit ook omdat het om door mij vertaalde artikelen gaat, en de indruk te vermijden als zou ik de tekst zelf geschreven hebben, en tevens omdat vaak niet op Internet vermeld wordt wie de schrijver is. De inleiding en het slotwoord zijn door mijzelf geschreven. Uit de inleiding zal inmiddels duidelijk zijn dat ik geen gebruik van boeken heb gemaakt.